I was playing and an admin nuked me :o
Here is the ban info :
Ban Information
Name: Radioactive
Reason: nogreenpics
Unban Time: Permanent Ban
Admin Name: GlonT
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:756942197
Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
Completed demo
Here are the pictures : https://postimg.cc/gallery/6N4vdGW/9f5aa158
Here is the proof that one of the pictures is green :
And here is the demo (Most admins nowadays dont record before bans. So I just do it myself) :
Have a good day! GG!
Spun pe scurt , nu indeplinesti absolut nici o conditie de a aplica pentru grad .
Ai venit , ai facut cerere , atat ... De obicei cand doresti un grad undeva , trebuie sa incepi prin a face activitate .
Plus ca ai aplicat pe inca 10 comunitati ! si in toate ai facut acelasi lucru !
TC !